We have a passion to know, love, and become like Jesus Christ.

We spread grace and the Gospel through where we live, work and worship.

We want to transform our neighborhoods through investing in people and through creating economic opportunities.

We believe in the truth and transforming power of the Scriptures.

We strive for authentic lives that seek justice and reconciliation.
Reaching and developing next-generation leaders throughout Chicago's sphere of higher education.
20s (D4L)
Crafting a vision for young professionals who are working and living in the city.
I-58 (D4L)
Empowering and healing communities that are experiencing the consequences of injustice, oppression, and poverty.
Introducing international students to Jesus and teaching them to spread the gospel and make disciples in their home countries.
Workplace (D4L)
Intentionally bringing God's light into the lives of the hustlers in Chicago.
Sharing the love of Jesus Christ with the men and women of our nation’s military and their families.
Neighbors (D4L)
Coming alongside ordinary people, offering encouragement and practical help as they introduce Jesus to their families and those who live around them.
Nations Within
Nations Within focuses on peoples within the United States whose primary identity is most closely tied to their country of origin, their ethnic group, or their religion.
Church Ministries
We help pastors and church leaders move disciplemaking from a ministry of the few to the heart of a church's culture.
Get Involved

You can give to the Chicago Navigators by clicking HERE! Monetary donations help to support the ongoing work of the Navigators in Chicago.